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of Medicinal Plants

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rh2

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rg1

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rb1

Pharmacological Review of Aglycon Dammarane Sapogenin (AGS) – Protopanaxatriol (PPT)

Pharmacological Review of Aglycon Dammarane Sapogenin (AGS) – Protopanaxadiol (PPD)


Rh2 induces β-cell regeneration and lowers blood glucose level

New promising anti-cancer drug candidate (aglycon dammarane sapogenin AGS) discovered
2007年1月3日:中科院上海營養科學研究所張瑞穩、王慧與瀋陽藥科大學教授趙餘慶通過合作研究後發現:從人參果和三七中提取到多種治療癌症的有效成分- 達瑪烷苷元,接近於理想抗癌藥物。目前,相關研究成果已分別發表於國際科學期刊《醫用化學》和《癌症化療與藥理學》上。 作為中國傳統中藥的人參曾被用於多種中醫驗方。現代醫學研究表明,人參皂苷作為人參中一類主要的有效成分,具有抗腫瘤活性,尤其是無糖化的達瑪烷苷元,其抗癌活性大大增加,接近於常見的化療藥物,但其副作用卻比化療藥小很多。非正式臨床觀測顯示:人參...

The present study was designed to determine the antihyperglycemic function of ginsenoside Rh2 by the regeneration of β-cells in mice that underwent 70% partial pancreatectomy (PPx), and to explore the mechanisms of Rh2-induced β-cell proliferation.

Adult C57BL/6J mice were subjected to PPx or a sham operation. Within 14 days post-PPx, mice that underwent PPx received Rh2 (1 mg/kg body weight) or saline injection.

GS-Rh2-treated mice exhibited an improved glycemia and glucose tolerance, an increased serum insulin levels, and β-cell hyperplasia.

Meanwhile, increased β-cell proliferation percentages and decreased β-cell apoptosis percentages were also observed in Rh2-treated mice.

Further studies on the Akt/Foxo1/PDX-1 signaling pathway revealed that Rh2 probably induced β-cell proliferation via activation of Akt and PDX-1 and inactivation of Foxo1.

Studies on the abundance and activity of cell cycle proteins suggested that GS-Rh2-induced β-cell proliferation may ultimately be achieved through the regulation of cell cycle proteins.

These findings demonstrate that Rh2 administration could inhibit the tendency of apoptosis, and reverse the impaired β-cell growth potential by modulating Akt/Foxo1/PDX-1 signaling pathway and regulating cell cycle proteins. Induction of islet β-cell proliferation by Rh2 suggests its therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetes.

Source: Wang Y, Wang H, Liu Y, Li C, Qi P, Bao J. Antihyperglycemic effect of ginsenoside Rh2 by inducing islet β-cell regeneration in mice. Horm Metab Res. 2012 Jan;44(1):33-40

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